An Xmas Message from Rob Holdaway

On behalf of the Committee of Muniong Ski Club, I’d like to wish you and your family a very Happy Christmas and a most prosperous New Year.

2016 was one of the busiest we’ve seen at Muniong. The timetable for building alterations that was imposed on us by National Parks meant a mad scramble early in the year just to open the doors. It was that close. And we haven’t finished yet.  There will be another working bee on 14-15 January.  Please join us won’t you.

The season itself was good in parts, as has been the case for the last few years. There are plans for more snow making at Smiggins and improved access to the main Perisher range.

In the next week or so you will receive a request to pay the 2017 annual subscription, unchanged at $200. The Club appreciates your efforts in paying this as early as you can.

I’ll have more to report at the AGM later in 2017. Until then enjoy your break and, once again, Merry Christmas.

Rob Holdaway


Posted in Club, Membership, Renovations, Working Bees.